Quail Valley Lodge

Quail Valley Lodge

On the foothills of the Andes mountains in North Western Patagonia, QVL is located in the valley of the Chimeuin river.

On the foothills of the Andes mountains in North Western Patagonia, QVL is located in the valley of the Chimeuin river.


Surrounded by forested slopes and deep meadows where we

spot and stalk for trophy stag both with rifle and bow.


The area has a stable population of hinds that attract a very

good number of Red stag during the rutting season.


Our hunting area covers 80,000 acres of prime hunting

grounds, giving us the opportunity of harvesting a good number

of stag without compromising the quality of the trophies.


The lodge has four bedrooms with private bathrooms, with all

the amenities for a very comfortable stay. The river runs just a

few yards behind the fire pit, where good size trout can be



California quail were introduced in Patagonia over half a century ago, they thrived in the valleys finding perfect habitat and feed. Nowadays a hunter can find between 5 to 10 coveys a day holding between 30 and 80 birds each.


Our guides recognize the best areas to find the most productive coveys, with a varied kennel to assist us we can consistently produce good numbers of quality birds to hit the limit of fifteen.


Side fishing trips can be arranged both wading and floating the several famous rivers of our area, which produce good quality rainbow and brown trout.

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Los Medanos Big Game Hunting

Los Medanos Big Game Hunting

Located just a few kilometers north of central Patagonia, the hunting grounds vary from rolling sand dunes, cattle pastures with forests and some farming done at the ranch, which spans over 160.000 acres of free range land.

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Córdoba Mountain Lodge

Córdoba Mountain Lodge

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Estancia Laguna

Estancia Laguna

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